Addiction can be a struggle to understand. While a lot of people think addiction is a ‘moral weakness’ or someone who lacks self control, it’s actually a disease. Just like there is science behind the explanation of diabetes, there is a science behind explaining addiction as well. 

My Recovery Source is dedicated to ending the stigma of addiction. We feel in order to fight against addiction, it’s imperative that people know the science behind it. It’s much easier to understand what addiction is and how it works by looking at data and research. By understanding addiction you will better be able to help those struggling with it. 

The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction Explained

Addiction is a chronic disease that is treatable. Addiction involves complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, environment, and life experiences. People that have an addiction may engage in behaviors that become compulsive, and will usually continue despite the negative consequences. Addiction ranges in severity and there is a full spectrum of substance use disorders. There are various signs and symptoms of alcohol/drug addiction. Some of the more common signs include:

  • Cravings – The urge to take more drugs or to consume alcohol
  • Secrecy – An addict will try to hide their addiction when confronted and they won’t admit who they are with or where they were 
  • Change – As an addict falls deeper into an addiction their environment and social circle can change
  • Neglect – They neglect their hygiene and their appearance
  • Broke – Someone with a drug or alcohol addiction may ask you for money to sustain their habit
  • Effort – Puts in considerable effort to get alcohol or drugs

The Data Backing the Science of Addiction

It is important to study drug use and addiction. There is a lot of scientific data and research that backs addiction. There have been studies done about genes and how they affect addiction, primarily epigenetics. Evidence shows that environmental factors, such as stress, can induce epigenetic changes that may trigger the development of mental disorders and drug addiction. 

There are also evidence-based approaches to drug addiction, meaning that these treatment approaches have been proven to work against drug addiction. Some of these evidence-based treatment approaches are pharmacotherapies and behavioral therapies. There is also the science of drug addiction behind the cycle of addiction with three different phases. These phases include the (1) binge and intoxication phase, (2) withdrawal and negative affect phase, (3) preoccupation and anticipation. When understanding the scientific data, we can begin to process the understanding of addiction and how it affects people. This way we can find, develop, and understand new/current treatment options. 

The Best Way to Get Help With an Addiction

The best way to get help with an addiction is to seek professional treatment. Confiding in a family member or trusted friend is a great start to finding treatment. If you don’t have anyone who you feel comfortable sharing your addiction with, you can always do some self-reflecting. This may mean understanding and admitting you have a problem to yourself, and then doing research to find a treatment that works for you. Addiction treatment includes detox, inpatient treatment, outpatient, and support groups. 

How My Recovery Source Can Help

Here at My Recovery Source, we provide a database where our clients can find an individualized treatment program that fits their unique addiction treatment needs. We partner up with numerous treatment facilities that cater to all types of addictions. If you have more questions of the science of drugs and addiction, please do not hesitate to call.

Whether you are looking for gender specific treatment, religious affiliated treatment, inpatient, outpatient, or detox, we got you covered. Reach out to one of our specialists today to learn more about addiction treatment and how to get started on the journey of recovery! 

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