Most people think that rehab is the main component of addiction treatment. Although rehab is an essential part of addiction recovery, there are quite literally hundreds of support groups and programs that help continue the process of recovery and supplement the gains that are made in treatment both during and after rehab. In fact, many times, the right support programs can make the difference between long-term recovery and eventual relapse. Addiction doesn’t simply end once treatment is over. It is a lifelong disease that must continue to be dealt with through continued support. 

One of the most effective addiction support groups available is SMART Recovery. Smart Recovery is a different style of support group from the typical 12-step programs because it focuses on accountability and self-management. At My Recovery Source, we believe in giving our clients every tool and every opportunity to succeed in conquering their addiction and living a sober life. 

My Recovery Source is a service that helps you find the best rehab near you. Contact us today to learn more about treatment options in your area.

What is SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery is a support program for those going through addiction treatment. SMART stands for Self Management And Recovery Training. The program is typically used alongside rehab or once rehab is complete, bolstering the treatments provided. SMART Recovery takes a different approach to the common 12-step program that asks addicts to surrender to a higher power and operates on the premise that addiction is something that is out of an addicts control. 

Instead, SMART Recovery works from a model of self-empowerment through discipline, mindfulness and meaningful actions. What’s more, they offer personalized meetings that can be taken online or in person, offering a more customizable approach to addiction support groups. The difference in focus and increased accessibility has led to SMART Recovery helping thousands of addicts work towards a life free of addiction. 

Finding a SMART Recovery program can be difficult, but that’s why My Recovery Source is here. Through our network of providers, we can find not only the best addiction treatment centers near you but support services as well. 

What Are the Principles of SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery’s system uses a four principle system to reach the goals set for participants. Each principle is a guideline for how to behave with an addiction. The purpose is to instill accountability in the person for their actions moving forward, demonstrate self-control, and establish a feeling of self-worth without drugs or alcohol. 

The four principles are:

  1. Building and Maintaining Motivation
  2. Coping with Urges
  3. Managing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
  4. Living a Balanced Life

When people participate in this support program, they not only learn to be accountable for their own actions, they learn that they have the power to resist their urges and live a life free of addiction. By staying motivated on sobriety and learning to manage themselves, they are free to live a normal life without worrying about an addiction. 

How Can SMART Recovery Help During Treatment?

One of the best ways that smart recovery can help during treatment is by putting the skills and techniques learned during treatment into practice. A big part of rehab is learning how to deal with your addiction and figuring out what causes your urges and triggers you to use. Once you know these things you can alter your behavior and learn to control your urges. 

Treatment also works towards giving people with addiction the tools to cope with life without their substance of choice. Coping skills are one of the most important parts of recovery. By knowing what causes you to abuse drugs in the first place, it is much easier to know how to deal with situations that may cause you to relapse and how to stay sober even during difficult situations. 

With My Recovery Source’s assessment system, we help those with addiction find treatment and support no matter what they are addicted to. We even have programs for mental health along with addiction so that even if you have a co-occurring disorder you can still get the treatment you need to get sober. 

It all starts with that first click or call to My Recovery Source. We will find the right treatment for you so that you can begin the long road to recovery as successfully as possible.

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