Understanding the Different Types of Addiction

It is often said that we can get addicted to anything. While that statement may seem far-fetched, it does carry a strong sense of truth. All forms of addiction need to be taken seriously. No matter how trivial or silly it may sound, people who are addicted to substances, behaviors, or even objects may need professional help to prevent serious consequences.

This article will highlight the different types of addiction, how we become addicted in the first place, and what type of help is available. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, finding the right treatment program can be difficult. Fortunately, the professionals at My Recovery Source are here to help. With just one phone call, we can create a personalized list of rehabs that are a perfect fit to your specific needs.

Give us a call today and start the road to recovery with personalized addiction help.

How Do People Become Addicted?

Addiction is a complex and baffling condition. How can some people develop an addiction while others seem to be spared? The answer to that question lies in the part of our brain called the reward system. The reward system is the most primitive part of our brain that was developed to help reinforce behaviors we need to survive. For example, when we eat, the reward pathway triggers the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is the brain’s natural “feel good” chemical and helps reinforce eating behaviors in the future.

In the case of drugs, alcohol, and certain behaviors, the reward system triggers an enormous rush of dopamine to the brain. With excess dopamine, brain chemistry changes over time. Depending on how behavior is reinforced, people can become addicts relatively quickly without a “ramp up.” When people become addicted, they cannot function on a daily basis without their substance of choice or performing a certain behavior.

What Are The Different Types of Addictions?

When talking about the different types of addiction, there are two major types that come to mind: chemical addiction and behavioral addiction. In this section, you will learn more about each type of addiction and its effects on people.

Chemical Addiction

When you hear about addiction, chemical addiction may come to mind first. We all know about the devastating effects of drugs and alcohol and how it tears apart the lives of individuals struggling with addiction and their loved ones. Substances have a strong effect on the brain, and their structure fits like hand in glove in the neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Certain drugs such as heroin, cocaine,  and prescription medications are extremely potent, and users can become hooked after the first use. Other substances, such as alcohol, may take longer to develop addictive behavior, but the results are just as serious. 

Behavioral Addiction

The second type of addiction people may experience is behavioral addiction. Commonly known as process addictions, people may not experience physical symptoms, but they face negative consequences when their behavior becomes compulsive and disrupts their daily functioning and responsibilities. 

This type of addiction is characterized by a failure to control the temptation to perform a particular act. Examples of behavioral addictions include:

  • Shopping addiction
  • Internet addiction
  • Sex addiction
  • Food addiction
  • Video game addiction
  • Work addiction

Getting Help For Any Type Of Addiction

No matter the type of addiction, professional help is available. For substance abuse, there are countless drug and alcohol rehabs that offer intensive treatment programming in both residential and outpatient settings. These rehabs offer evidence-based programs such as individual, group, and family therapy; 12-step groups; holistic treatment options; life and coping skills training; nutrition therapy; and exercise therapy.

For process addictions, an increasing number of facilities offer specialized mental health programs specifically designed for specific behavioral addictions. These programs feature effective therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy to address thought processes that lead to compulsive behaviors. These facilities also feature programs and services that address each client’s physical health issues that may impede their recovery. 

Get Help With Your Addiction Today

If you are struggling with a substance or behavioral addiction, you may feel overwhelmed while looking for a treatment program. The experienced professionals at My Recovery Source understand your frustration and are here to help. When you call My Recovery Source, our team will work with you to find the best rehab near you that best fits your unique needs. No matter your age, background, or ability to pay, My Recovery Source can help you get the treatment you need at top addiction treatment centers. Call My Recovery Source today and overcome addiction for good.