It can be hard to believe that one of the most common forms of addiction is addiction to prescription drugs. We typically think if we are given a prescription, it is to treat something that we have wrong with us and that we are perfectly safe. While this is generally the case, and doctors do prescribe medication to treat illnesses, no drug is without at least some potential for abuse and addiction. This makes it highly important to recognize the symptoms of drug abuse and learn how to prevent prescription drug abuse before you or someone you know develops a full-blown addiction. 

My Recovery Source is here to help in guiding you to lasting recovery, and we understand that no one wants to develop an addiction, but sometimes it happens without us even realizing it. If it happens, though, we want you to know that you have the help you need on your side to get the best rehab available and be able to get back to a sober life. We have a vast network of service providers, from rehab centers to support groups, and we will help you throughout your addiction journey. 

Today we are going to discuss prescription drug abuse and addiction and how to prevent it. 

What Are the Most Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs? 

When it comes to understanding prescription drug abuse, it helps to know which prescriptions are most commonly abused

According to the most recent data, opioids are still the most commonly abused drug in America and the most commonly abused prescription overall, particularly those drugs that fall in the “oxy” family. There are multiple reasons for this, but it comes down to the sheer volume of opioids that are prescribed on a regular basis, and the highly addictive potential of the drugs. Many people become addicted without realizing it while taking medications for pain management for chronic recurring pain. 

The next drug on the list of most commonly abused prescriptions is the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines or “benzos.” These drugs are used to treat problems like anxiety and depression or certain other mental health issues in combination with other drugs. People that abuse the drug tend to enjoy the calming effect it has on them. Because some people must be on these drugs for extended periods of time due to mental illness, the likelihood of addiction increases. Medications like Valium and Klonopin are among the most commonly abused. 

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse 

While it is sometimes impossible to avoid taking prescription drugs to stay healthy, there are ways to prevent a person from getting addicted. 

First, take the medication only as directed and as prescribed by the doctor. If the situation changes, such as an increase in pain, talk with a doctor before deciding to take more medication. It may be that a change in medication is necessary to keep from becoming addicted. 

Second, take the medication only when and for as long as is necessary. Just because you are given a large amount of medication, if symptoms ease, that does not mean you must continue to take the medication. 

Third, look out for loved ones trying to acquire more medication even once they have finished their prescription, this is a sign of addiction. Changes in behavior are also a good indicator of addiction. Neglecting responsibilities, distancing oneself from family and friends, and trying to acquire more medication are all signs a person has become addicted. 

Above all, keep in contact with their doctor and report any abrupt changes in mood or behavior. 

Let My Recovery Source Find the Rehab You Need Today

If you realize that you or a loved one has become addicted to a prescription drug, then the next thing to do is to get them help at a treatment facility. This can be difficult and scary, but My Recovery Source is there to help. We have lots of resources to help with the process, from getting them to admit they have a problem and need help to aftercare support and more. 

There’s no reason to let a prescription drug addiction control your life any longer. Let us help you get clean today. 

My Recovery Source is your top destination for personalized addiction help near you. Our goal is to get you into treatment and help you maintain your sobriety using all the help and resources at our disposal. Contact My Recovery Source today to find the best drug and alcohol rehab near you.

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